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直播:RNC 2024 第一天:特朗普任命俄亥俄州参议员万斯(J.D. Vance)为副总统人选
LIVE: RNC 2024 Day 1: Trump names Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as VP pick
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - 密尔沃基哨兵报【特朗普遇刺未遂后,共和党全国代表大会周一在密尔沃基开幕】 | Republican National Convention begins Monday in Milwaukee following Trump assassination attempt
New LEAKED GOP Platform is CRAZIER THAN You Think...
- Newsweek【共和党全国代表大会显露"败像",密尔沃基会场附近商家预订率很惨】 | RNC Convention 'Failure' As Milwaukee Venues Likely To Sit Empty
- USA Today【封锁边境?结束通货膨胀?共和党的党纲全是特朗普的谎言,没有任何细节。-观点】 | 'A Nation in SERIOUS DECLINE': GOP platform is an unhinged all-caps list of Trump lies
- Politico【共和党全国委员会批准删除党纲中国家对堕胎的限制 】 | RNC committee approves dropping national limits on abortion from party platform
- Slate【民主党人可能最终获得一张有吸引力的选票的一种(可能性不大的)方式】 | Here’s One (Long Shot) Way Democrats Could Actually End Up With an Attractive Ticket
- Politico【美国人正在离开两党。科罗拉多州的这座城市说明了原因】 | Americans Are Leaving Both Parties. This Colorado City Shows Why.
- The Atlantic 【呼吁拜登退出是民主党健康发展的标志】 | Calls for Biden’s Withdrawal Are a Sign of a Healthy Democratic Party
- The Conversation【政治仍是地方和个人的事--但仅限于无党派人士,而非民主党人或共和党人】Politics is still both local and personal – but only for independents, not for Democrats or Republicans
- New York Times 【马特-施拉普(Matt Schlapp)的指控者在获得 48 万美元赔偿后撤销了对他的咸猪手诉讼】 | Matt Schlapp Accuser Dropped Groping Lawsuit After a $480,000 Settlement
- Salon【佛蒙特州共和党人数月来一直往民主党同事的包里倒水】 | Vermont Republican has been dumping water in her Democratic colleague’s bag for months
- Politico - 【这5个州最有可能在11月发生立法院改选】 | These 5 states are the most likely to see legislative chambers flip in November
- The New Republic【在六月节之际,让我们审视一下 MAGA 与老南方之间的联系】 | On Juneteenth, Let’s Examine the Link Between MAGA and the Old South
- Washington Post - 华盛顿邮报【观点 今年的共和党纲领应该只有一句话】 | Opinion This year’s Republican platform should be just one sentence
- Washington Post - 华盛顿邮报【共和党选民在特朗普和犯罪问题上迅速翻转】 | GOP voters have flip-flopped fast on questions about Trump and crime
- Salon【“搞什么鬼?” 乔恩-斯图尔特在特朗普被判重罪后痛斥美国共和党的胡言乱语】 | "What the f***?": Jon Stewart calls out GOP spin after Trump's felony conviction
- Ahmed Baba’s Newsletter【被判重罪的特朗普: 历史性判决与美国共和党的专制回应】 | Ahmed Baba’s Newsletter【Convicted Felon Trump: The Historic Verdict & GOP's Authoritarian Response
- New York Times【特朗普如何改变了共和党?他的刑事审判宾客名单说明了一切。 | How Has Trump Changed the G.O.P.? His Criminal-Trial Guest List Tells the Tale.
- The Nation【认识 RAGA--你从未听说过的最可怕的美国共和党团体之一】 | Meet RAGA—One of the Scariest GOP Groups You’ve Never Heard Of
- The New Republic 【迈克-约翰逊关于校园抗议的丑陋新谎言为民主党提供了武器】 | Mike Johnson’s Ugly New Lie About Campus Protests Hands Dems a Weapon
- USA Today【观点:美国共和党 “选举诚信 ”律师在假选举人计划中受到指控。这太像特朗普了。】 | GOP lawyer for 'election integrity' charged in fake electors scheme. That's just so Trump.
- NBC News【参议院通过乌克兰援助、以色列拨款和 TikTok 打击法案,并将其提交拜登办公桌】 | Senate passes Ukraine aid, Israel funding and TikTok crackdown, sending bill to Biden's desk
- ABC News【众议院批准向乌克兰、以色列和台湾提供 950 亿美元援助】 | House approves $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan
- CBS News【国会众议院在民主党帮助下推进对以色列、乌克兰和台湾的援助法案】 | House GOP's aid bills for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan advance — with Democrats' help
- Politico【自由派对 "白人乡村愤怒 "的误解 - 几乎在所有方面】 | What Liberals Get Wrong About ‘White Rural Rage’ — Almost Everything
- USA Today【佐治亚州共和党官员和直言不讳的选举否认者, 被发现非法投票 9 次 】 | Georgia Republican official and outspoken election denier caught voting illegally 9 times
- The Guardian【想在共和党立足?向 "弥天大谎 "宣誓效忠】 | Want to make it in the Republican party? Pledge allegiance to the Big Lie
- The Conversation【15 年来,我一直在研究国会发给选民的电子邮件--在扫描了 185,222 封邮件后,我发现了以下 4 个趋势】 | I’ve been studying congressional emails to constituents for 15 years − and found these 4 trends after scanning 185,222 of them
- Washington Post【观点:利兹-切尼仍计划在大选中有所作为】 | Opinion Liz Cheney still plans to make a difference in the election
- Politico【MTG 和 AOC,联合起来了?众议院极不寻常的 TikTok 投票内幕】 | MTG and AOC, united? Inside the House's highly unusual TikTok vote
- Meidas Touch News【肯-巴克:这是 50 年来国会最糟糕的时期】 | Ken Buck: This is The Worst Time to be in Congress in 50 Years
- The New Republic【迈克-约翰逊不断失去令人尴尬的选票。原因与这个家伙有关?】 | Mike Johnson Keeps Losing Embarrassing Votes. The Reason? This Guy.
- Salon【共和党不能离开 MAGA--"美国人必须在选举中仁慈地终结共和党"】The GOP can't leave MAGA — "Americans must electorally mercy-kill the Republican Party"
- Washington Post 华盛顿邮报【观点:凯蒂-布里特的重大失误表明共和党为何无法与女性沟通】 | Opinion Katie Britt’s big fail shows why the GOP can’t connect with women
- NY1 News【纽约州民主党人提议修改规则,在乔治-桑托斯出席国情咨文演讲后,取消被开除议员的众议院出席权】 | N.Y. Democrat proposes rule change to revoke House floor privileges for expelled members after George Santos' appearance at State of the Union
- Meidas Touch【在特朗普受到指控后,约翰逊议长呼吁取消执法部门的资金】 | Speaker Johnson Calls to Defund Law Enforcement in Wake of Trump Charges
- Meidas Touch【斯科特-佩里希望迈克-约翰逊取消拜登的国情咨文演讲】 | Scott Perry Wants Mike Johnson to Cancel Biden's State of the Union Address
- Business Insider【包括议长迈克-约翰逊在内的 125 名众议院共和党人支持 "受孕即生命 "法案,没有任何试管婴儿例外】 | 125 House Republicans — including Speaker Mike Johnson — back a 'life at conception' bill without any IVF exception
- New York Times【观点:共和党保险杠贴纸:特朗普第一。普京第二。美国第三。】 | The G.O.P. Bumper Sticker: Trump First. Putin Second. America Third.
- Newsweek【谁是康斯坦丁-尼古拉耶夫?普京是迈克·约翰逊竞选捐款背后的盟友】 | Who Is Konstantin Nikolaev? Putin Ally Behind Mike Johnson Campaign Donation
- Washington Post【22名共和党人在乌克兰和以色列援助计划问题上与党决裂 】The 22 Republicans who broke with their party on Ukraine, Israel aid package
- New York Times【在共和党的反对声中,乌克兰援助法案在众议院面临障碍】 | Ukraine Aid Bill Faces Hurdles in the House Amid G.O.P. Opposition
- New York Times【约翰逊受挫,加深了共和党的分歧和他自己的挑战】 | Johnson Stumbles, Deepening Republican Disarray and His Own Challenges