文化议题 Cultural Issues
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- TheIntellectualist【密苏里州法案建议将支持变性学生的教师定罪】 | Missouri Bill Proposes Criminalizing Teachers Who Support Trans Students
- The Guardian 【自由大学因性侵犯 "沉默文化 "被罚款 1400 万美元】 | Liberty University fined $14m over ‘culture of silence’ around sexual assault
- Independent【俄克拉荷马州禁止变性学生进入厕所。现在,一名受欺负的学生在打架后死亡】 | Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead after a fight
- Politico【最高法院驳回停止西点军校种族意识招生的紧急请求】 | Supreme Court rejects emergency bid to halt West Point’s race-conscious admissions
- Right Wing Watch【最新的 MAGA 阴谋: 超级碗正在被操纵,通过协助泰勒-斯威夫特来帮助乔-拜登】 | Super Bowl Is Being Rigged to Help Taylor Swift Help Joe Biden
- 纽约时报杂志【大学的任务是激发好奇心】 | College Is All About Curiosity. And That Requires Free Speech (收费网站;中文待译)"Hanging out only with those they already agree with is one of the worst ways for young people to waste their years on campus."